Blogs and the Ghost

Tech May 29, 2020


A blog is a collection of articles that appear on a website. These articles can be anything. Majority of the blogs pick a subject and most of its articles stick to that subject. Most take the form of a diary or a journal which records the date it was published and walk through writers’ experiences.

Blog vs. CMS

CMS stands for content management system. Those are built for people who do not want to develop a website on their own. They can simply grab a CMS, install it and update its content while changing the look and feel with a graphical user interface. A blog can reside inside the content managed website, as the CMSs can facilitate the blog as well.

But some people want a blog only. Since CMSs provides an easy to use interface and a lot of community support, people stick to CMSs even if they want just a blog.


The most common CM systems today are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. All of these are written in PHP. They are well known for having huge community support which includes plenty of themes and plugins to turn a CMS into an ecommerce website or a booking engine.

There are free hosted solutions too. Such as Blogger, Tumblr and WordPress.

Selecting a CMS framework for blog site development is a bit complicated as most of them have different approaches even though all of them do the same thing. I was a wordpress developer some time ago. It was a very tedious process to develop a wordpress website because wordpress deviated from most of the software development practices today. For example wordpress does not adapt common database modelling patterns. It has its own database structure and it is not easy to use as a traditional relational database approach. And most importantly it does not have taken the object oriented approach seriously.

Drupal on the other hand has the most complex workflow. You have to create placeholders and views to accommodate custom theme code.


Ghost is a CMS written in Node.JS. Currently it's in third version. Ghost is identified as headless CMS, which means that you can have your own application for the front end while Ghost handles the data.

Why Ghost?

Ghost is the most popular Node.JS CMS solution and I love Node.JS. It has a cleaner codebase than other CMS software. It’s fast, reliable and very flexible. That's why I picked it.

Feel free to comment what you think below.

Janaka Dombawela

5+ Years Senior Fullstack Developer Focused on Backend, Skilled In PHP, Laravel, Node.js, React.js and Vue.js